We are

What’s in a name?

Naming stuff is hard.

A good name stands out. It’s memorable. It’s easy to say and spell.

Ironically, a good name doesn’t even have to mean what it says.

  • Apple makes and sells computers, not fruit.

  • Pottery Barn sells furniture, not pottery (and isn't a barn).

  • Crate & Barrel sells neither crates nor barrels.

So why goodly? Let’s start with its meaning:

“A goodly amount of something is plenty of it. Goodly is when you have more than enough.”

When we think about the attributes of God; his mercy, love, kindness, honor, compassion, beauty, provision, power, grace, etc - he is always more than enough. It's one of our favorite things about him. There are no toxic limits to his goodness!

But there's an older meaning of goodly that we like too:

“Pleasantly attractive, excellent, admirable, of good quality.”

We've always loved the church. But sadly it's not always been attractive, excellent, admirable, or of good quality.

And well, if we're going to throw our hat in the ring, we'd at least like to aim at being those things. After all, the church is God's Plan A to save the world.

So our goal is to be a goodly church. An excellent place that is attractive to those lost in the dark. Where good quality care, teaching, and leadership provide safety for those who are hurting or confused. A goodly church that becomes a great place to grow your faith.

We’re excited to welcome you to Goodly!

Like this stuff? Then you’ll probably like the behind the scenes of our logo too!