Allow us to introduce ourselves.

Here’s what Goodly is all about.

We are a presence-led church that prioritizes the Word and Spirit

We start with Jesus because he is the head of the church. (Colossians 1.18) Unless Jesus is leading and building this church it’s all for nothing. (Psalm 127.1) Therefore we tremendously value God's presence. (Exodus 33.15)

Mark's gospel records an amazing church service that Jesus was leading. (Mark 2.1-12) In this passage, we see that Jesus first preaches the word, (v2) then reveals hearts (v8), and goes on to heal the sick. (vv11-12) Following his example we want the same thing; that the Bible is preached and the Holy Spirit moves in power.

We want the questioning and curious because we believe that Jesus holds the answers everyone is looking for.

A church is not a church without the people. And Jesus sure loved the hungry and needy. (Mark 2.16-18) We want an environment where people know they will be welcomed regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey. Questions and curiosity are the indicators of hunger for growth and transformation (John 3.1-17) so it's our job to communicate with clarity the answers God has given us in the Bible.

We build community based on connection.

Having people in a church doesn't automatically make a community. It's hard to build connection at church on a Sunday, but we can build community during the week in homes.

We like big gatherings on Sundays and intimate times of connection in homes in between. (Acts 2.46)

We have a high value for the type of risk that leads to faith.

We want to foster an environment of risk that builds faith for the miraculous. When a group of friends brought their sick friend to Jesus there was no room to move. Their solution? They risked offending everyone by interrupting the service and tearing open the roof to lower their friend in front of Jesus! The outcome? Jesus recognized their faith, their friend was healed and praise broke out among the people. (Mark 2.1-12) That's the look we're going for. 😍

We want to see people grow into the fullness of what God’s called them to.

We want to help two groups of people: the lost and the saved. We want to help the lost experience the life-changing love of God and receive the gift of forgiveness for their sins that Jesus paid for. (John 3.16)

But we also want to help those who are saved receive all that Jesus paid for. (Romans 8.32) As Derek Prince famously said, "Many of God's people are enduring curses when they should be enjoying blessings." Getting saved is the start of an abundant life! (John 10.10)